Is there an antidote to exhaustion?

Anthony Landale

Anthony Landale

Do you sometimes notice colleagues and friends who appear to have lost their zest for work and life? They are working hard but not getting any satisfaction from their endeavours. What’s going on?

There’s a writer called David Whyte who considers this issue in a great book called The Heart Aroused. He tells the story of how he arrived home one day and complained to a friend about feeling completely shattered. What can I do about that, he asked? His friend, wise in such matters, said simply “the antidote to exhaustion is wholeheartedness”.

This story resonates because it suggests that we get burned out when we lose sight of what really matters to us. It’s easy to compromise when the pressure is on or forget our purpose when we are constantly reacting to change. As to what we do about that, it’s easy; at least in principle. Make sure you consistently find a way, especially when busy, to step back, see the big picture and ask yourself what you care about. Better still have a good colleague who will look out for you and help you get back to your best when they see you’ve got a bit lost.

By Anthony Landale

Learn more about Anthony Landale, the author of this article.

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