What I’ve been learning!

Wadi Rum, Jordan

Wadi Rum, Jordan

Last week Sharron and I had a great break in Jordan. While I was there, I texted our son, Alex, and later said to Sharron that I hadn’t heard back. She said ‘did you ask a question? Because if you didn’t he won’t reply. He’ll just think you’re sending information.’

It’s the same for us all with requests when we are trying to get things done through other people. We can do all sorts of engaging – we can build the relationship, spark possibilities of what we could do and then home in on specific opportunities. But do we all naturally make the request?

I know that for lots of us this is not a well-developed Leadership Muscle. And I’ll push you further. If you are pretty good at making requests, are your requests big enough? Are you really powerful at coming back from the Future you want and asking fully for what you want. You may not be there yet as someone who naturally makes big requests. The good news is that this is a muscle you can build with practice.

So why not join me this week? While I’m practising including a question in my texts to Alex, when you’re engaging people, why not consciously practise making some bigger requests than usual?

Have a good week, Steve.

PS. Please help spread the FED word! Keep recommending people come to one of the open workshops.

One Comment

18 October, 201011:46 am


Thanks for the most insightful message. Would have really like to attend your FED workshops and do wish they could be held in New Delhi at India where I reside.
All the best.

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