What do you do when it doesn’t go according to plan?

Last week, I wrote about the ‘successful and ordinary’ speakers on The Marketing Society Leadership Programme. Interestingly, everyone of them spoke of times when life and work didn’t go at all as they would have liked.
And absolutely definitely that will be the case for you. Particularly when you’re in Leader Mode and challenging the status quo, there will be times things won’t go your way. What you can do is build up your resilience to knocks by reconnecting with what you care about, what you are leading for and who is the leader you want to be.

Please work on the basis that you will have setbacks and disappointments; please don’t work on the basis that everything will always go fine. What you can do is choose how you respond. As the old saying goes, ‘when you’re learning to ride a bike, failure is not falling off your bike. Failure is not getting back on it.’ Be prepared to get back on it!

So think for a while about what you are like after a setback and how you could more quickly get back to being the leader you want to be. And make sure your Support Team is part of the answer.

Have a good week, Steve.


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