Are you feeding your best self?

Anthony Landale Image
Anthony Landale

I frequently come across stories which cast a useful or distinctive light on leadership. The following story reminds me just how important it is for leaders to know what impact they have on others and to keep on choosing to bring their best – especially to the people who really matter in their lives. Hope you enjoy it.

It was night in the desert and the old Cherokee Indian was sitting around the fire with his granddaughter who he loved. They would often talk of the great mysteries as well as the simple things in life and on this occasion, after some time, the little girl asked a question that was on her mind.
“How is it that some of the time you are so gentle and kind and have time to play and talk to me but at other times you are so fierce and angry?”

And the grandfather looked at the girl and was quiet for a moment before he replied. “Do you know that in everyone there is a battle between two big wolves? The first wolf is no good. This wolf tries to force what he wants onto others and when he is thwarted and doesn’t get his own way he gets angry. When you see that wolf you will see its cruel mouth, its false pride, its arrogance and envy.
“But the other wolf has, as you say, a completely different nature,” he continued. “This second wolf is generous and contented. It thinks of its family and knows that more than anything they need his wisdom and it remembers that peace is always better than war. When you come across that wolf you can be sure to find love and hope, kindness and truth.”
“The problem is,” said the old Indian looking at his granddaughter “these two wolves fight in me every day.”
The little girl thought about this for a minute and then she asked her grandfather, “Which wolf wins?”
And the old Cherokee replied simply, “The one that I feed.”

Learn more about Anthony Landale, the author of this article – click here


15 February, 201012:43 pm

Really value these simple but impactful reminders on how to manage our energies

15 February, 20103:22 pm

Thank you for this reminder – very important. Am supporting a leadership team where the wrong wolf gets all the nourishment!! Personally, I find this can “infect” me too as I struggle to retain my objectivity in such an environment… Your articles are a support to me to balance the vibes I pick up from others.

Kanan V. Jaswal
17 February, 201010:58 am

The Cherokee chief is absolutely right! Inside each of us there is an immense reservoir of peace, love, friendliness and helpfulness and another of violence, anger, hatred and selfishness. And it is our choice every moment which one to draw from. But mostly we exercise this choice unconsciously, that is why we often tap the second reservoir. As soon as we become conscious of the fact that we have a choice, mostly we end up choosing the first reservoir.

Wishing you the best,

Kanan V. Jaswal
Noida, INDIA

Deepak Pandhi
19 February, 201012:50 pm

Really an insightful story. Helps us to “look inside” ourselves and evaluate our day to day interactions both in our personal and professional lives.

Please do keep sending in these excellent posts. Really appreciate the same.

Best regards,
Deepak Pandhi

3 March, 20101:17 pm

Thank you for the reminders of who and what we are…and how that makes a difference. It is often the simple things we over look in busy, complex work lives I look forward to the missives posted by FED team.

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