What’s your reason to believe?


Some people use pain as their lever to change. For example they reach a point when they can no longer bear the existing situation any longer. In organisational speak this is sometimes called the burning platform syndrome.

But what is stronger and more compelling than this – and of course the focus of so much work in FED – is to give people a reason to believe. Yes, pain or fear or discomfort can be a catalyst for making an initial shift but sustaining a change only comes when there is something worth going for that is meaningful, exciting or much better. For individual leaders this means regularly getting in touch with their personal goals and what they want in their lives. For teams it’s to do with what they are up to together. For organisations it’s often about their essential purpose.

This brings to mind the story about the research director who couldn’t understand why his vision ‘to be the best research laboratory in the world’ was getting so little traction. His colleague told him. “It shouldn’t be about how we can be the best in the world. It should be about how we can be the best for the world.” And with this new vision individuals, teams and the organisation started to make exactly the shift required.

Leadership nudge: are you clear enough about what’s calling and motivating you? If not who can you go to this week to have a great conversation about your reasons to believe?

By Anthony Landale

Learn more about Anthony Landale, the author of this article.

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